Evelyn Boyd Ganville

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On May 1,1924 in Washington D.C Evelyn Boyd granville was born. William and Julia Boyd where her parents and her only sibling who was the oldest is Doris Boyd . Her father had a variety of jobs while julia stayed at home to take care of the kids . Once her parents separated Evelyn’s mom got a job at the United States Bureau of Engraving and Printing as a Stamp examiner . Evelyn attended Dunbar High school which was a segregated school at the time . All the teachers that taught at that school had degrees from top Colleges all around . Her teachers inspired the students to pursue their goals that 's what made her wanted to further her education. She graduated as Valedictorian in high school and had a scholarship from Phi Delta Kappa from Smith college . In 1941 Evelyn went to Smith …show more content…

All of this teaching made ms.granville want to publish not one but two math books over a 3 year time frame . Many colleges bought her first book and her second book “New Math” was about changes in the teaching of elementary school mathematics . She said that “ writing these books were very demanding and time consuming” . After all this writing she was called into to work by the board of education of the Van Independent school district. From there she worked as a computer literacy teacher for 8th graders . But then they started to overload her with work being a high school algebra teacher,and 8th grade math teacher . Evelyn couldn 't no longer handle all 3 jobs and came to a conclusion to quit .
The last thing she did before before retirement with her husband was major in computer science . It was something she never learned before and wanted to give a open mind to new things . Once graduating from her old college texas college she taught computer science for 2 years and then gave in . She is now 92 years old and still living. This woman was very intelligent and inspired a lot of kids throughout her years of teaching .Her fascination with learning and teaching was incredible as