Everyday Use By Alice Walker Analysis

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Words and actions are apart of everyday life, and each has more than one meaning depending on context. In her short story, Everyday Use, Alice Walker uses imagery and descriptions to create the setting of the story in a way that left a lot of things up for readers’ interpretation. The story’s ability to invoke emotions and deep thoughts from the readers is one of it’s strong points and I believe that the story is meant to leave the reader wondering what will happen next to both the characters and to themselves in their own journeys regarding heritage and culture. Based on the word choices in the first few paragraphs, the story seems to be told by the mother’s perspective. The story is clearly influenced by this and can be seen in her reactions, and syntax. Walker's use of word choice and detailed descriptions illicit empathy for Mama and the situation that she finds herself in. Dee (also known as Wangero) is visiting home for the first time since leaving for college. Maggie tries to be on her best behaivior, but seems to struggle with embracing …show more content…

It also makes me wonder how Dee views Maggie and her mother apart from linking them to the house, lifestyle, and the past. If it were told from Maggie's point of view I think that the story would focus more on changes and challenges of growing up rather than on culture. The story would also be longer , containing more details about each characters’ facial expressions, body language, and other less commonly noticed intricacies than the audience is unaccustomed to paying attention to. My assumptions are primarily based on the overall quiet and watchful demeanor of Maggie throughout the