
Everything George Lilly Character Analysis

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In the book, Everything Everything by Nicola Yoon, the main character, Madeline Whittier, changes throughout the story due to meeting her new next door neighbor and true love, Olly Bright. Before Madeline (also known as Maddy) met Olly, she was very self-conscious, humble and alarming. She was like this because she had a disease called Severe Combined Immunodeficiency (SCID). This disease caused her to never leave her home because if she did, she could die. In the book, Everything Everything, Nicola wrote “And so I stay on SCID row. I don’t leave my house, have never left my house.”(Pg.1). This evidence states that she was very self-conscious because she was afraid to go outside and live her life. She was afraid because she thought that she …show more content…

When Maddy met Olly she started to become more adventurous. She started to do things that she’s never done or thought of before. In the novel, Everything Everything, Nicola also wrote “ He raises himself above me and we are wordless, and then we are joined and moving silently. We are joined and I know all of the secrets of the universe.”(Pg.45). In this text Maddy became very curious with Olly. In the book they were in Hawaii, in a room, kissing. She has never done anything like this before and she never thought she would. This helps prove that she became curious, in this case she was curious in love. Even though Maddy was starting to become curious in new things. She started to become daring and doing things that aren’t safe for her (as for her disease). For example, in the book, Everything Everything, Nicola wrote “More than anything I’ve experienced in the last few weeks—saying goodbye to Carla, leaving home against Dr. Chase’s advice, leaving my mom in her sadness—seeing him looking so different causes me the most panic.” on (Pg.57). In this evidence, Maddy left everything she's ever known and everyone she's ever loved behind. After finding out that she wasn’t sick and that her mother lied to her about the disease. She left her mother and she flew to New York, where Olly moved to, to go see Olly. This is an example of how she was daring because she left everything and everyone behind for Olly not knowing

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