Evidence-Based Decision-Making Process Analysis

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Evidence-based decision making becomes the process for achieving evidence-based practice. In decision making process, it involves asking focused answerable questions, obtaining evidence, and application of the findings to practice, and reexamining the process (Brown & Ecoff, 2011). Initial assessment of a problem is the earliest or first step to EBP decision making. The assessment unveils so much about a problem at hand, such as identifying a problem, recognition of key stakeholders and their understanding and attitude towards the identified problem (Brown & Ecoff, 2011). Currently, I am working in an out pt clinic and one of the problems that I have noticed is that a lot of African American patients presenting to the clinic with chronic diseases especially HTN, and a lack of knowledge of the disease and its risk factors, none compliance with their regimen or keep up appointments. Hypertension is the single largest risk factor for cardiovascular disease and heart failure among African Americans (Greer, 2010). Research shows that the rise in complications of hypertension are due to lack of knowledge of the …show more content…

Patients should not be expected to remain compliant with treatment if they are lack the knowledge of hypertension and its risk factors. Instead, educating patients to increase their knowledge level about hypertension and its risk factors, and management is a key to eliminating the complications associated with uncontrolled blood pressure. In African American adults, how does a structured teaching program on knowledge, Attitude and practice of hypertension compared to non-teaching program influence their risk of non-compliant to management of hypertension for three