Evil In Lord Of The Flies Essay

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All people have a fire inside them, a passion for evil, or a slight need to contrast society’s acceptable behavior. It is human nature to have that want to do something that is considered wrong by society, but it gets held in for the sole reason that people are afraid of the consequences and have so-called morals. Yet, what if these pressures of community, civilization, law, and most judgments were pushed aside isolated from society? The people left would turn to their roots of evil and corrupt themselves and others within a short amount of time compared to the countless years parents spend teaching their kids what is right and what is wrong. This is the plot of the novel Lord of the Flies by William Golding, where many young boys crash land …show more content…

At the beginning of the story, Jack comes on to the island being a strong symbol of a normal boy from Britain but leaves the island as a savage hunter who had committed terrible acts because of his inner passion for evil. For example “Jack and Ralph smiled at each other with shy liking” (Golding 17). This is an example from the beginning of the book which shows the kind, shy, and mannered side of jack before he forgets the pressure of society that he once had, holding him back from the unspeakable acts he would soon commit. This also shows his slight liking toward Ralph which again would soon change. “Jack was on top of the sow, stabbing downward with his knife” (Golding 105). Clearly, jack becomes a blood hungry savage wanting to kill pigs or whatever he thought necessary. The two sentences that I used from the text were chosen because they showed a contrast between the innocent jack and the savage one. This proves the point that people have an evil inside of them and that all humans have a distinct character flaw because jack came into the island having been taught to be kind, well mannered, helpful, and all around a good person but as the pressures of society wore off jack became the true savage that was inside of