Evita's Achievements

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Out of all of Evita's achievements, one of the most significant was the Eva Peron Foundations contribution in public health. In 1951, the 'health train' traveled around the country for four months in order to provide free health services. Jujuy and greater Buenos Aires require help in remote communities and more children hospitals, and they accomplished just this. Within the next year, Catamarca, Corrientes, Entre Ríos, Jujuy, Mendoza, Rosario, Salta and Santiago del Estero and Buenos Aires founded five polyclinics. As a result, 15,000 hospital beds were created in 1952 alone (Hedges).
Argentina featured horrible public media care because of deteriorating french style hospitals. Patients were easily left behind as the buildings were huge and staff …show more content…

It was also in charge of supplying many needed materials; 400,000 pairs of shoes, 500,000 sewing machines, and 200,000 cooking pots. Along with that, homes, scholarships, and hospitals were created in order to improve the lives of citizens. All of these accomplishments are a direct result of Evita's contributions because it was all carried out by her (Fraser 118).
Evita could easily be described as a leader for protecting the rights of defenseless by using her political position. Even if she did not have the power to change laws, she could use her symbolic post as the first lady. Her foundation allowed her to make personal contributions by creating schools, hospitals, and women's residences. Thousands were directly benefited and even more, were given hope (Hedges 5).
A majority of work to help the poor was done by the María Eva Duarte de Perón Welfare Foundation. Thanks to finance contributions, the foundation was able to distribute multiple different necessary items: food, clothes, money and medicine. These donations were provided to those suffering throughout Argentina (Eva