Evolution Of Target Selection By Terrorist Groups In The United States

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The threats associated with terrorism continue to evolve as groups learn from past experiences. With the evolution of threats, the United States and its allies must learn to adapt. The transformation of target selection by terrorist organizations, along with the enhanced emphasis on lone wolf attacks are a few examples their expanding methods. Also, the growth of groups such as Jamaat-i-Islam, which almost exclusively place emphasis on enhancing political power are a unique threat to western governments. Rarely are terrorist organizations driven by “pure lust for power” (Drake, 1998). Most groups are motivated by an ideology which influences their decisions. Ideological foundations of a group may initially suggest the use violence, …show more content…

While numerous westerners have been murdered and affected by the violence enacted by these groups, they continue to remain on the run from not only the west, but the governments of their own countries. Groups such as Jamaat-i-Islam have adopted a different approach. Rather than using religious motifs as the primary driving factor, Jammat-i-Islam understands the important of a political presence. In order to further their political involvement in Pakistan, the group adopted a business like structure with a strong emphasis on education. Jammat-i-Islam accepted a three-level hierarchy of membership. The elected president serves a five year term and is assisted by an elected counsel (Appleby & Marty, 1991). While Jamaat-i-Islam has obtained some level of military support, constitutional and legal methods make up their core (Appleby & Marty, 1991). The necessity of modernization is understood by the leaders of the group, however any level of westernization needs to be removed. With the strategic and political importance of Pakistan to the United States, groups such as Jamaat-i-Islam pose a significant threat. Unlike extremist groups who primarily resort to violence to assert their ideology, Jamaat-i-Islam continues to push a political agenda. If the group were to establish significant control over the government, their anti-western ideology would have a major impact on U.S operations in Pakistan. The United States would lose a key access point to the Arabian Sea and Gulf, along with a countermeasure to countries such as China, India, Russia (Schwela,

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