
Evolution Vs Religion

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Evolution is the theory in which species change over time. During the Greek philosophers’ time, people always knew children were passed from parent to offspring. As time progressed, the taxonomic naming system came out and showed people that there was a connection between species in the past and species in the present. As the late 1700’s came around, the first theories about evolution started to come out. Scientists like Comte de Buffon and Charles Darwin’s grandpa stated that species changed over time but couldn’t prove how or why. Because of the fact that these ideas went against religion, many scientists kept their ideas on the low to avoid conflict. The first scientist to actually state his ideas publicly was a student of Comte de Buffon, …show more content…

These ideas can be seen from different perspectives, depending on the person’s beliefs and what they think would make more sense. In science, religion is taken out of the picture, and they think of evolution and the formation of the universe as a logical and coincidental occurrence. Science states that evolution came to be without purpose and unnaturally, just like that. In Darwin’s theory, there is no God involved, and if the earth was wiped out and everything died and vanished, there would be no chance that the same species will come to be and that they would be logical like humans. There wouldn’t even be a chance that they look just like us, or other species that inhabit the earth (B.A. Robinson, 2011).The Big Bang Theory is what scientists use to try to explain the creation of the universe. Because science tries to explain theories by logic instead of by religion of personal beliefs, it states that things like this happens because of chance with no goal. Using science, the Big Bang theory happened spontaneously, when a mix of hot gases came together and a major explosion took place. Because instruments don’t allow scientists to go all the way back to the beginning of time, they use mathematical theories and models (E. Howell, 2015).In creation science, God created the earth during 6 days less 10,000 years ago. People who follow this belief believe that all the different species and kinds of living things now and extinct are descendants from the original life forms that God created during the beginning of life. It’s the most common belief among the general public but the least common in science (B.A. Robinson, 2011). In Islam, the Big Bang theory isn’t dismissed and ignored. In fact, the Quran (21:30) states, “… the heavens and the earth were joined together

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