
Example Of Apollonia Informative Speech

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Saint Apollonia is not one of the most well known saints out there, but for me she is one ofthe most common saints in my heart and mind. Saint Apollonia's death occurred in the year 249 in Alexandria, Egypt, and her feast day is celebrated February ninth. Saint Apollonia is the patron saint of dental diseases and is often called upon by those who suffer from toothache. She is often depicted with a golden tooth at the end of a necklace and is holding a pair of pincers with a tooth in them. Saint Apollonia had forcibly gotten all of her teeth knocked out after being hit repeatedly by a Christian persecutor. She was then threatened with being thrown into the fire unless she renounced her faith to God. Apollonia then jumped into the flames voluntarily just to avoid renouncing her faith and loyalty to Him. Because of this she is …show more content…

Apollonia doesn't have any known miracles or huge accomplishments. But, I believe she accomplished much just by going through the excruciating pain of having her teeth knocked out and then having the brave heart of jumping into the fire on her own free will. Most people I know would have done anything to avoid that kind of pain even if it meant turning against God. I have chosen Saint Apollonia as my Confirmation saint and name because of the similar pain I went through. I would pray to Saint Apollonia during my times of two oral surgeries (a third one coming) and numerous forced tooth extractions. I think about Saint Apollonia's story and the pain she endured and I think to myself If/ can get through this if she got through that." She gives me the strength to get through those difficult tasks and rough patches and to stand for what I believe in even in the face of death without backing

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