Microaggression In The Workplace

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Everyday someone is being oppressed in society. And it happens to millions of people daily. Whether it 's in their own home, or workplace. When Gonzalez asked our class who heard of the word microaggression, my hand was one of the ,many who didn’t raised. His presentation was very eye opening and educational. Really made me think of other people and how I could change. Microaggression is verbal, nonverbal, behavioral insults or comments to other marginalized groups that downgrade them in society. Some people don’t even realize that they are doing it. For an example, when Gonzalez came in to speak to our class and he gave the example of his co-workers talking about the baseball game and they kept on saying “darn indians” repeatedly (2017). That …show more content…

People make the assumptions that if they don’t look “American” that they don’t speak the best english. When really, there family has been in America for generations. A gender microaggression would be the inequality between men and women. For instance, job careers. Women are perceived to be mostly nurses then surgeons. Or in a workplace setting, when women use more of a assertive, confident tone, they are called pushy or bossy. But when men use that kind of tone they are seen as a leader. Brining the idea that women should be obedient and let men take the role. Sexual orientation microaggression example would be people saying “gay” to their friends (Gonzalez, 2015). Showing that LGBTQ people are strange, weird, or different. Totally discriminating them in verbal sayings. Disability Microaggression example would be people assume that they are unable to do certain things. Using a “baby talk” tone to help someone who has a disability. Or talking louder or slower so they can understand you. The hidden message is that disability people always need help because they are not capable to. When really, they have adapted and can …show more content…

Or they can hide their feelings and put on a strong face to show that they aren’t hurt by their insults. For example, being in a session with a client who experiences microaggression daily. Making the environment a welcoming place. A place where they can speak freely and not feel judged. Microaggression happens to everyone and it can make that individual feel degraded. In an agency setting, seeing your co-workers insult other people or even clients can really put a bad environment of your agency. Even if the co-worker does it unconsciously. Gonzalez presentation gave an example of an environmental microaggression that the workplace has all white people and the hidden message show that you are an outsider who needs white people 's help (2015). In the social work field, this is definitely not the environment we want to present to our clients. And having co-workers that make unconsciously insults to other co-workers or even mclients is an impact to the