Examples Of Allegory In Jesus Shaves

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Allegory is a story, poem, or picture that can be interpreted to have a deeper meaning. Allegories usually express political or moral ideas. Writers using allegory also adds dimension to characters. The “Hills Like White Elephants” by Ernest Hemingway and “Jesus Shaves” by David Sedaris both contain allegory. Those allegories play into discussions people usually have. They both have to deal with using characters to represent abstract ideas that can connect to the real world. Both stories have to do with highly intellectual topics, they differ in topics with “Jesus Shaves” being about religion and “Hills Like White Elephants” being about the state democracy in the United States. In “Hills Like White Elephants”, Hemingway uses characters to represent groups and entities. The “American” represents the United States government and the girl represents the people of the United States. One could contrast the attitudes of both the American and the girl to the politics in the United States currently. The setting is in a bar and the room is separated by a bamboo curtain. This curtain is symbolic of the disconnect between the US government and their constituents. The curtain is a …show more content…

This curtain is a symbolic item thats represents a metaphorical shroud between the government and the people. The curtain is there to keep the files out, the files could represent the press or the American people. There is a veil of secrecy between the the people and the US government. Hillary Clinton said in one of her speeches to the major banks that “politicians have a public and private position”, which showed people the lack of transparency with government officials. That what the bamboo curtain represents the barrier between the people and the