Examples Of Allusions In Macbeth

367 Words2 Pages
Sterling Wright
Brandie Trent
AP Literature
March 14th, 2023

Macbeth’s Allusions of Human Nature

Macbeth, written by William Shakespeare is a tragedy masterpiece. The play is mystical and entertaining but holds a deeper meaning. Shakespeare uses allusions to relate to the audience like the bible and Greek mythology. Macbeth’s allusions throughout the play support the plot, characters, and the overall meaning that human nature is flawed and that can be its downfall.
As stated above, Macbeth is a tragedy that tells the story of a war hero named Macbeth that lets his greed and desire for power make him fall from grace. Macbeth was once a hero and a good man; however, Shakespeare uses allusions to foreshadow that this will not remain true. The

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