Emma Catone
Professor Payne
1. In the document “Platform of the Anti-Imperialism League” the league explained why they think imperialism is anti-American. In this document the main argument as to why imperialism is anti-American is because it is against the constitutional rights that are given to US citizens. These constitutional rights are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. In 1899 the Philippines were under the control of Spain. Spain was oppressing, taking power away, from the Philippines. Theodore Roosevelt wanted to expand US power so with influence from Britain we did so. We expanded to the Philippines and we did this to help them escape Spanish methods. However, instead of helping them we ended up getting Philippines away from the control of Spain and then the United States started oppressing them just like Spain was. The league sees this as anti-American because by gaining control of the Philippines and forcing them to work at our american factories we are taking away their life, liberty, and their pursuit of happiness. According to McKinley, we could not give the Philippines back to Spain because we would look foolish.
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Their goal was to kill blacks and whites. They killed whites who were not against the blacks. However this wave of the Klan died in the late 1800s. The new Klan formed in the early 1900s. The new Klan was not against a specific group. The new Klan was against anyone who was not an American Native. This group was based near Atlanta, however there was a large group of the Klan in New Jersey. The new Klan was a sign that the people of the United States were sensing a change in culture and they were not comfortable with it. Therefore they decided to take it upon themselves to make the change stop. In 1924 it was reported that there were four million members in the new Klan. The Klan saw the immigrants as impure and they did not like