
Examples Of Bad Luck In Romeo And Juliet

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The downfalls of Romeo and Juliet are caused by bad luck and bad decisions. Since they’ve been alive and aware, the capulets and montagues have been at “war”. Page 14, Romeo and Tybalt bicker away at each other. Tybalt even hits Romeo with a third person indirect. “Uncle that’s a montague, our foe.” They obviously have a hateful vengeance for each other, if they can’t be in public for a little bit without wanting to kill one another. Another version of bad luck in Romeo and Juliet's case is the fact that they have bad timing for about everything. Juliet goes through her “death” idea and Romeo didn’t get the memo till later. She’s alive but asleep in her tomb and Romeo is freaking out as well as reckless. After slaining Paris, he takes his life away. Juliet hears about this after waking up and well; “ O happy dagger! This is thy death.” With that …show more content…

Romeo and Juliet have already been official however, the Capulets have arranged for Paris and Juliet to get married as soon as possible! Friar Laurence is then put in a tough spot and has to figure a quick solution. “If rather than to marry County Paris, Thou hast the strength of will to slay thyself.” Friar Laurence suggests “killing herself” so he doesn't have to marry them. With bad luck comes a role of bad decisions. There will always be time and luck with things but it's how one handles it and how they take care of it. Romeo kills Tybalt as a result of their idea to have a duel. The irony of this is Tybalt coming after Romeo and everyone wanting each other dead. Tybalt even says ”To strike him dead, I hold it not a sin.” Same way with above the Friar Laurence situation can be viewed as a bad decision. Although they didn’t see exactly what was coming, it’s a bad idea to marry two young teens from rival families. They’re out for each others blood, what makes it sound like a good

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