Examples Of Challenging Behaviour

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members of staff, is challenging as when an individual displays this kind of behaviour they can become unpredictable and can be very distressed and workers need to be aware of what their strategies of intervention are and how effective they will be, workers also need to be aware of non-verbal communication for example your body language, as towards a service user you may come across as intimidating and this could potentially worsen the situation. (Challenging Behaviour) (Alzheimers, n.d.) There are other examples of challenging behaviour different to the one’s I have previously described, for example, a child who is living in a residential unit and is eating inedible objects such as stones and clothing; this is also known as pica. This can be considered challenging behaviour because it can be extremely dangerous as it can do considerable damage to your digestive system and can be potentially life threatening as you aren’t eating edible, nutritious food which will enable you to have a fully healthy functional body which in effect will provide you to have a better quality of life. (Pica, n.d.) Sexual behaviour can be deemed challenging if it’s not consented and if one of the individuals doesn’t have the capacity to make these decisions or does not fully understand what they are doing. In this situation …show more content…

Forms of this behaviour can be individuals pulling their hair, excessive pinching and scratching of their own skin, biting their own hands and arms and banging their head against objects; otherwise known as head banging, if a child or young person is displaying this behaviour this could have a major effect on their mental development as they could possibly be inflicting trauma on the brain if done excessively. (self injury,