Examples Of Circularity In The Kite Runner

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Circularity is the concept of a similar action being repeated throughout a story. Usually it happens through father to son or mother to daughter. Khaled Hosseini uses the concept of circularity through Amir and his family to show how the action a person does can negatively affect the actions of his offspring or even his friends, but it could also be positive and influence one’s close ones to have better views of what is “right” and wrong”. The first instance comes from the relations of Amir and Hassan as well as Baba and Ali, in The Kite Runner. Baba is described to have a great bond with Ali, but as a child Baba never admits Ali to being his friend due to his religion. Ali’s problem with polio also influences Baba’s view of Ali as …show more content…

This signifies the racial injustice towards Ali and Hassan and how this influences Baba and Ali to redeem themselves for their treatment towards Ali and Hassan; yet, Baba and Ali develop different motives for this action. For example, Baba redeems himself for his treatment against Ali by building an orphanage and lets Ali stay in his home as a servant. However, Baba is also seeking to redeem himself for not being the father he should have been for his sons Amir and Hassan. The concept of redemption circularity links back when Amir returns to Kabul to visit Rahim Kham. In Kabul, Amir learns of how Hassan had returned seeking to see Amir and rekindle the friendship between them. Amir also learns of Hassan’s son and wife, and how he and his wife die protecting their son Sohrab in the conflict with the …show more content…

This comes through the relation of Hassan and his son Sohrab, and also between Amir and Hassan. Hassan seems to pass on his humbleness and bravery to Sohrab. As a child, Hassan protects Amir from Assef by threatening to shoot Assef in the eye if he attacked Amir. This shows how Hassan puts others first and how he wanted a true friendship with Amir, by him risking his own safety to Amir, who found it hard just to call Hassan his friend. This reveals the character of Amir to be selfish and ungrateful to the readers, but sympathy is usually the final feeling towards Amir. Anyways in the climax, Sohrab is put in the same situation with Amir and Assef. Sohrab threatens to shoot Amir in the eye if he doesn’t stop hitting Amir with the brass knuckles and actually has to fire the sling shot unlike his father Hassan. Three major points can be pulled from this situation. The first is how Sohrab and Hassan say different variations of the phrase, “Please leaves us alone, Agha” (42,290). The use of the word “Agha” displays how both Amir and Sohrab had respect fear and respect for Assef, but their love towards Amir blinds them of the fear allowing them to step in and save him. The second point refers to how Assef put his own self into a cycle, by threatening to attack Amir twice with the brass knuckles, in which his cycle