Examples Of Civil Disobedience

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People worldwide have their own ideas on certain matters but are scared of getting judged so they decide to go along with what others think inside of being true to themselves. Also if they want to speak up on a matter they see as unfair because they want to fit in and not stand out from the crowd. Their many situations where civil disobedience is seen such as for example in social media and in every day life. Civil disobedience is a negative way of dealing with things because if someone acts wrongly, they can face life changing consequences. Throughout history, people have deliberately disobeyed the law and the authorities without fearing what could happen to them but soon regret their decisions. It is said that the abolitionist movement was the act that first defined people’s defiance. Some examples of civil disobedience are protests, boycotts, noncooperation, doing something after being warned by the authority amongst many others. One of the best examples is the poor people’s campaign in which many people unite to help those in need by looking for jobs for the unemployed, and helping them by addressing the government in the problems the poor face daily. …show more content…

Society is a joint-stock company, in which the members agree, for the better securing of his bread to each shareholder, to surrender the liberty and culture of the eater” which means that the community praises people who are willing to be conformed with the laws and customs that were manmade but everyone should be able to for themselves know the difference between what is wrong and what is right. It also means that people who see others agreeing with