Examples Of Complaint Letter To Jennifer Bray

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To: Warden Dillman & Jennifer Bray, I would like to inform you of the situation that occurred on January 18, 2016 at Deep Meadows Correctional Center. This is also considered my written complaint that I will send to Malcom Taylor and Ms. Davis at the Department Of Corrections. On January 18, 2016 I arrived at Deep Meadows at 8am I waited for the Visitation Building to open at 8:30am I went to be processed to see Mr. Long (1477335) everything was fine. I arrived at security at 8:36am I took my coat off, took my shoes off and placed my quarters in the tray. The guard stamped my hand. As I went to walk through the metal detector Cannon spoke up and said, Ms. Christman, you were here Sat & Sun correct? I said yes, Cannon responded, why are you back today? As she is holding my approved paperwork that Jennifer Bray had all ready for my visit to go smoothly. I stated I am from Michigan and I have Special visits. Cannon stated, Well you have been here all weekend your not going in you're dress is too short. …show more content…

I was advised by Ms. Bray that if I had any problems to ask for the ADO. Cannon picked up the phone and said I have a Ms. Christman down here and she wants to see the ADO. NO! She won't see a supervisor, She has been here all weekend and she wants the ADO. She then slammed the phone down. The ADO (Mr. Macardo) Called to security and Cannon put him on speaker phone. I could not hear anything the ADO was saying. I simply asked Mr. Macardo to please come down here so he could see that my dress did meet Deep Meadows policy. Mr. Macardo was clearly upset that he had to come down to look at my dress. Cannon took the phone off speaker phone and stated, yeah, she has been here all weekend and is

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