Examples Of Confirmation Bias

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Confirmation Bias Confirmation bias is the tendency to search for, interpret, or recall information in a way that confirms one's beliefs or hypotheses (Plous, 1993). It is a type of cognitive bias and a systematic error of inductive reasoning. People display this bias when they gather or remember information selectively, or when they interpret it in a biased way. This cognitive bias can have an effect on product development, supply chain, forecasting. It would be interesting to look for evidences of confirmation bias within workers in a plant while they are tested for their ability to detect errors and defects of products in the line during the annual test (“blind test”). The workers are aware that this examination is important and allows …show more content…

Dolly Chugh and Max H. Bazerman argued that people actually often fail to perceive and process stimuli easily available to them. In other words, they challenge the tacit assumption that awareness is unbounded and provide evidence that humans regularly fail to see and use stimuli and information easily available to them. They called this phenomenon “bounded awareness” (Bazerman and Chugh, 2005). The “bounded awareness” phenomenon causes people to ignore critical information when making decisions. In fact there are evidences confirming that people routinely overlook important information during the decision-making process. One cause is our tendency to become overly focused. Focus limits awareness, so that important information outside the range of focus can be missed. Doctors, like the rest of us, have to take decisions under time restrictions, which eventually causes us to not pay attention to important information. Thus, we are limited information processors (Simon, 1957). The point is that not all of us are aware of that, which may leads to grave …show more content…

Change blindness is a surprising perceptual phenomenon that occurs when a change in a visual stimulus is introduced and the observer does not notice it. For example, observers often fail to notice major differences introduced into an image while it flickers off and on again (Rensink, O'Regan, and Clark, 1997). People's poor ability to detect changes has been argued to reflect fundamental limitations of human attention. What differentiates inattentional blindness from change blindness is what happens when an individual try to recall an information. As far as the change blindness is concerned, even though an individual was not able to detect a change in the environment, when she tries to recall something related to the non perceived object, this comes to her memory. In the case of inattentional blindness, even after asking the subject to recall something related to the unexpected event, she will not remember having seen something