Examples Of Conspiracy Theories

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Conspiracy Theories attract theorists through exploration of possible explanations to mysterious phenomena. Whether it’s (about) the world’s ending, the validity of an event, or the motives behind an action, the unanswered potentialities to conspiracies leave people yearning for more information. Theories leading to the worlds ending have existed for millennia and these concepts created debates about their legitimacy. The unsettled truth over conspiracies about the destruction of the world creates an uneasiness that concerns many people. For example, doomsday theories, like the theory of the world ending from Mayan predictions in December 2012, challenged the world’s destruction and left many people anxious throughout the year. The legitimacy …show more content…

First, the painting by Leo Tanguma “Children of the World Dream of Peace” is among the disputed art pieces throughout the airport. In this painting, Tanguma creates a soldier impaling a dove while holding a machine gun. Surrounding the man, broken buildings stand on one side, and on the opposite side, women crying holding corpses of deceased babies. Underneath this section of the mural, a plaque reads “Au Ag”, which, is the symbol for a fatal strain of hepatitis referred to as Australia Antigen. As the mural spreads across two separated panels, the opposite panel depicts a peaceful world with people of all ages smiling, living in unity, and happy. Flags from multiple countries throughout the world are wrapped around numerous swords, daggers, and other weapons. The painting symbolizes an ultimate supreme force destroying peace, represented by the dove, and humanity, depicted in the dead infants. It creates that idea what unity and harmony will be achieved after some sort of genocide, as the soldier is wearing a face mask. The painting suggests a need for restoring the world and first removing peace for true peace can be installed. Finally, the plaque hints at the idea that genocide will be created through this strain of hepatitis. Along with “Children of the World Dream of Peace”, Tanguma also created the mural “In Peace and Harmony with Nature”, which hangs in the airport as well. Like the previous mural, this art piece spreads across two panels and adds to the controversial and mysterious theme of the Airport. The first panel of the mural depicts humans sitting, looking as if they’re in pain or discomfort. Multiple dead animals surround the people, and behind them fire and destruction awaits. Moving to the second panel, animals from a multitude of ecosystems rest scattered throughout the design. People stand surrounding an illuminated, rainbow plant which is beginning to bloom.