Examples Of Consumerism In Brave New World

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A consumerism makes the community and economy stable which is the goal of the society. In Brave New World, the motto of the government is “community, identity, and stability” (6). Claim: A consumer economy makes the society of Brave New World which is when the most important in the economy is buying and selling of goods and services overall. Establish Evidence: In the Western civilization, Huxley would realize that consumers still make up most of the economy. Consumers can be from working and upper social class. Although in the book, the lower caste is conditioned to consume more of society. Evidence: “The idea was to make them want to be going out into the country and every available opportunity, and so compel them to consume transport” (22). Analysis: The author’s use of parallel, he wants the society “to be out going into the country” contradicts how he wants to “abolish the love if nature” (6). The use of punctuation makes it feel to the readers to be continuous and not much to pause. This reinforces that society was continuing to be consumers and that makes the economy stronger and more stable. Evidence: “Beauty’s attractive, we don’t want people to be attracted by old things. We want them to like the new ones.” (219) Analysis: The commas helps separate the ideas of what the author wanted to convey. Established evidence: But with the economy being stable comes with some effects to society. Evidence: “The more stitches the less riches” (49). Analysis: This shows that