
Examples Of Corruption In Sports

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EX-SPORTSMEN OVER PROFESSIONAL ADMINISTRATORS? There are sure many controversies related to professional sports administrators who are prone to being corrupt when it comes to large amounts of money, prime examples being betting and match-fixing. Being Head of a sporting body or a Federation is slowly becoming the dream job of many individuals. Being the Head of a sporting body, you aren’t held accountable for the poor results or for your actions. Plus you get to go on foreign jaunts and the best part being, nobody ever questions your credentials. A seat in the Lok Sabha or a seat in any ministry is regarded as a sufficient qualification for a person to be nominated as the Head of a sporting body. There are many examples of administrators …show more content…

It has been associated with it since the inception of international level games and some form of corruption will stay with us as long as we hold competitive sports. It is simply a part of human nature. If not dealt properly, corruption will destroy many of the sports as we know them. Like a tsunami, it will sweep aside everything and will leave the sport destroyed or even killed. In India, often questions are raised whether a Politician or businessmen should be allowed to Head these bodies, where the quality of the sport is on the decline. When it comes to sports, India lags behind to even some of the poorest countries in the world. At the junior level, they can compete with even the best in the world. But at the senior level, where the real capability of a player is tested, we Indians fail miserably. After every disappointing Olympic campaign, questions are raised as to why ex-sportspersons are not allowed to Head these bodies. But after a few days the clamor dies down, and everyone forgets about …show more content…

Prime example being that of Clean Sports India (CSI), formed by Olympians and ex-sportsman. Ashwini Nachappa, vice-president of CSI, says, “Its high time people are held accountable for their actions. Nobody should treat a federation post as a ‘political seat’ and a fair chance must be given to all….we aren’t saying that all federations should be run by sportsmen but they should be given a chance to see if they can improve

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