Cyber Terrorism Essay

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3.0 Introduction to cyber terrorism and cyber theft
The definition of cyber terrorism:
According to the United States Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), cyber terrorism is any “premeditated, politically motivated attack against information, computer systems, computer programs and data which results in violence against non-combatant targets by sub national groups or clandestine agents.”
Definition from Wikipedia:
Cyber terrorism is the use of Internet based attacks in terrorist activities, including acts of deliberate, large-scale disruption of computer networks, especially of personal computers attached to the Internet, by the means of tools such as computer viruses.
Cyber terrorism is a controversial term. Some authors choose a very narrow …show more content…

Cyber terrorism always work in hacking, misinformation, virus and worm.
 Hacking- hacking is gain access to a computer file or network illegally or without permission.
 Misinformation- misinformation is to provide using incorrect information
 Virus-virus a computer program that duplicates itself in harmful manner to a normal computer use. Most of the virus will attaching themselves to another program. The amount of damage varies and viruses may erase all data or to do nothing but reproduce themselves.
 Worm-worm is a malicious program that can replicates itself until it fill all the storage space on adrive or network.

Where usually is cyber terrorism committed:
Usually cyber terrorism committed at cyber space such in computer systems infrastructure in government, hospitals, and banks and also in personal computers.

The cyber terrorism effect to the future:
1. Air traffic control tower or airline infrastructure could be hacked
2. Banking system can be violated and all of our money could be stolen
3. Bombs and other explosive could be set off by remote
4. Terrorist can learn government secret and …show more content…

First, we should be cautions when opening email attachments.
2. Besides, we should have a complete Software Updates.
3. Next, we should create difficult passwords on each of our accounts such emails and etc.
4. Furthermore, we must download anti-virus software for our computer safety.
5. Lastly, we should uninstall unused application or services as a way of prevention and protection from these problems.

Cyber theft and cyber terrorism can happens if fraudster accesses enough information about someone’s identity such as their name, address, date of birth and etc to commit identity fraud. Identity theft can take place whether the fraud victim is alive or dead.
If we are the victim of cyber theft or cyber terrorism, it can lead to fraud that can have direct impact on your personal finances and could also make it difficult for us to obtain loan, credit cards of a mortgage until the matter is resolved. The only system which is truly safe and secure is the one which is switched off and unplugged. Besides, the only way to be safe is pay attention and act smart on dealing to this