Examples Of Discourse Analysis In English Language Teaching

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1. Introduction Content, culture and context play a vital role in English language teaching, especially in countries where English is a foreign language. Thus, in order to bring some cultural knowledge and expose learners to more natural setting of English in use, teachers rely on TV shows such as Friends, Full house, The nanny, etc. which are popular American sitcoms from the 90’s. These kind of shows offer English teachers authentic materials to bring their learners into contact with language in context which can help them to identify various functions of a single utterance. This paper will analyse the discourse and social interaction of a short dialogue in the series Friends (Appendix 1). In order to conduct this analysis, I will follow Halliday and Hasan's discourse analysis model viewed in terms of the parameters of field, tenor, and textuality to discuss the language system, context of situation and culture involved during the interaction of the participants. In addition, I will follow Hymes speaking model to identify and point out components of linguistic interaction to explain the importance of utterances in conveying meaning more than just elaborating isolated sentences. …show more content…

Moreover, I will summarize the finding of the analysis made and explain how it constitutes a coherent piece of