Victim Of Discrimination In High School

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Victim of Discrimination Experiences of discrimination started at a young age. While living in Detroit around Van Dyke and Harper streets, I went through taunting incidences approximately five days a week. I walked to a public elementary school in order to attend first and second grades without difficulties; however walking home was not similar. Unfortunately, an African American older girl who I was not previously acquainted would punch, pitch and kick me when she caught me walking home from school. Moreover, she shouted countless cruel names, however, predominantly she used racial slurs such as a white little monster, white garbage and honky. Similar racism due to my skin color befell me through second grade walking home from school. While walking across a bridge over an expressway, African American high school kids would snatch me and a girlfriend of mine. The teenagers unkindly screeched numerous ruthless names relating to our skin color being white. Moreover, the high school teenagers would cruelly rub our heads and comment on our ugly hair being too soft. Furthermore, they would terrify us by …show more content…

Appallingly, they were laughing at the professor due to the sexual orientation being a transgender. Racism comments went flying regarding their negative thoughts of the professor’s clothes, makeup, breasts and fake long nails. Their actions made me angry, nonetheless, I kept silent. At the time, I wrongly thought the professor would handle the situation since being in authority. The history professor never made a comment to the class regarding their remarks. Even though the professor did not say a word, I felt remorseful for not speaking up. Consequently, after pondering the situation, I realized from that day forward that I would not remain silent if a person is in a higher position and enduring