
Examples Of Disrespect In Tkam

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When reading “TKAM” by Harper Lee Scout,Dill,Jem, and the town “disrespect” the Radleys and picture them wrongly. For example the quote “What are you playing? he asked. Nothing,said Jem.”(Lee 53) This quote shows how the kids are playing the Boo Radley game and believing the common notion, instead of investigating further into the details to find the truth before possibly believing in lies. Also this quote shows how Jem is afraid to tell Atticus the truth due to the fact that Atticus will be mad, disheartened, and saddened. For instance the town all believes that Boo Radley stuck his father with a pair of scissors while Boo was trimming the newspaper scrapbooking, how does the town know this? Yes their was a call by Mrs.Radley but there is
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