Heck Tate Close Read Essay

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Heck Tate Close Read Essay At the end of To Kill A Mockingbird written by Harper Lee and published in 1960 shows us Mr. Tate and Atticus discussing the incident that occurred earlier that day. Three things were discussed during their conversation. One of them being Mr. Tate wanted justice for Tom Robinson, despite him getting Tom Robinson’s trial started. Eventually leading to his death, he lies about the real reasoning behind Heck Tate’s death. Before the Tom Robinson trial Heck Tate arrests Tom Robinson when Mr. Ewell accused him of raping Mayela. Despite the lack of evidence Mr. Tate continues to arrest Tom robinson. The trial eventually leads him to jail and TR was killed when he supposedly ran for a fence to attempt an escape. While …show more content…

Finch. Let the dead bury the dead.” Mr. Tate did not want to get involved in this case because it would be a risk for him to take a black man's side against a white woman. However when Mr. Tate learned more about this case, he became convinced TR was innocent and Mr. Ewell was lying about what occurred to Mayela. After TR was killed, Mr. Tate desired justice for him. He then tells Atticus he is going to lie to the county about the cause of death for Mr. Ewell. He wanted equity of treatment for TR. The second thing that Atticus and Mr. Tate discussed was protecting Boo Radley. While Mr. Tate is talking, he brings up the situation that transpired between Scout, Jem, and Mr. Ewell, and how he wants to protect the quiet life of Boo Radley. While Scout and Jem are heading home after a Halloween pageant, they get attacked by Mr. Ewell. Suddenly Boo radley saves Scout and jem and brings them back home. When Mr. Tate arrives he discusses with Atticus about what will happen to Boo Radley. “Maybe you’ll say it’s my duty to tell the town all about it and not hush it up. Know what’d happen then? All the ladies in Maycomb includin‘ my wife’d be knocking on his door bringing angel food cakes.” Mr. Tate lying to the county for Boo Radley shows the acts he would do to protect Boo