
Examples Of Doublethink In 1984

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The notion of doublethink is experienced not only in George Orwell’s novel 1984 but also in our US government with the war on terrorism and in our everyday life with being told to act your age but also that you are only as old as you think you are.
The most iconic notion of doublethink in the novel 1984 is “war is peace; freedom is slavery; ignorance is strength.”(16) This motto clearly shows doublethink by giving two contradictory statements and saying they are the same thing. We can clearly see that war is the opposite of peace and not the same thing, freedom is the opposite of slavery, and ignorance the opposite of strength. Big Brother makes the people of Oceania believe that they can hold these two opposite and exclusive opinions at the same time even though they clearly cannot. Although this is the most prominent example of doublethink in the novel it is not the only time it comes up in the book and we can also see doublethink happening in our own lives. …show more content…

The US government is currently involved in a war on terrorism. This entire idea is saying that in order to bring peace into the world we need to fight a war. This is exactly what Big Brother convinces the people. This entire notion of the war on terrorism is saying that war is the thing that is going to bring us peace. We try to strive for peace by defeating terrorism but our tactic to do this is to create far more violence then there was before. This entire idea is an Orwellian principle that many people buy into without realizing that it is actually doublethink. People also experience personal examples of doublethink in their everyday

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