
Examples Of Dystopia In Fahrenheit 451

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Ray Bradbury’s Dystopia Have you ever thought of how our world will evolve in the future? In the dystopian novel Fahrenheit 451 written by Ray Bradbury, the government has banned all books. The protagonist, Guy Montag, is a fireman; however, he starts house on fire instead of putting fires out. He is responsible for burning all houses containing books. Society has become very distant, yet similar. Individuality is nearly nonexistent. After meeting a little girl named Clarisse, Guy starts to question how he views the world. He starts to question how he thinks because he realizes he does not think. Guy takes books from some of the houses he has been required to burn, and decides to plant them in other firemen’s houses in order to prove a point. The characters Clarisse McClellan and Mildred Montag in …show more content…

The characters Mildred Montag and Clarisse are foils of each other . First, Mildred is an example of your stereotypical woman in their society. Technology is her main focus. She is nearly incapable of thinking of anything else. Seashells are little earbuds, and Mildred nearly always has them in her ears. She acts as if it is almost painful for her to take them out for her to have a conversation with her husband. She feels more greif about the fictional characters on her TV that she calls her family than her husband: “She shoved the valise in the waiting beetle, climbed in, and sat mumbling, ‘Poor family, poor family, oh everything gone, everything, everything gone now... ’” (Bradbury 108). She doesn’t truly care for her significant other. Guy is trying to talk her her after their house goes up in flames; however, Mildred can only think about her TV family. Her TV family are characters that lived in her wall TVs in the parlor. She talked to them more than she talked to Guy. Guy Montag is technically her husband however they do not seem to ever be on

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