Examples Of Equality In To Kill A Mockingbird

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“Equal rights for all, special privileges for none” (Harper Lee). I personally believe that To Kill a Mockingbird is about equality in every form. In To Kill a Mockingbird, written by Harper Lee, she wants the readers to know that it is important to identify inequities in everyday situations so that we can excel in other global activities. Meaning, once we learn the issue of a situation that has a lack of equality/fairness, in the future, we can try our best to protest against that unfairness throughout the entire world/lifetime. She has placed various scenes throughout about discrimination.
The Finch family and few characters witnessed and identified the discrimination against an individual's race, income, age and class throughout the story which is important because by learning the lack of inequities can change an entire ethnic group or individual life for the better by taking an action. Certain scenes appeared throughout the novel which instantly caught the reader's attention to demonstrate the negativity in segregation. It is extremely important because in today's society, this occurs more often and there is more hate towards a specific groups or individuals.
"In our courts, when it's a white man's word against a black man's, the white man always wins. They're ugly, but …show more content…

Atticus own family disapprove Atticus for helping Tom Robinson. Francis is a racist and is young child filled with full of judgment. He probably was taught black individuals have no place in their society and not worthy. This shows that in the white community there is no empathy towards the coloured people. They belittle them and treat the black community with no respect. Therefore, this represents the theme of lack of inequity because white parents taught their children to share no love or any equality towards those who are coloured. Scout did stand up for her father in the future, but this taught her that what Francis stated was