Examples Of Ethical Standards For Human Services

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Ethical Standards and Biblical Standards for Human Service What is a human service? Human service is a profession that administers human needs and problems; it offers guidance to the citizens in their communities and environments. Professionals implement and advocate exceptional values and characteristics in human services, such as; uphold the integrity and ethics of the profession, promote clients and community well-being, and enhance their own professional growth. (National Organization for human services 2015) There are forty-four ethical standards in human services divided into six categories; responsibility to clients, responsibility to the public and society, responsibility to colleagues, responsibility to employers, responsibility to profession, responsibility to self, and responsibility to students. However, respecting the dignity and honoring cultural diversity of all people, promoting self-determination, advocating for social justice, and acting with integrity, objectivity, fairness, professionalism and diligence are the essential purpose of human services professionals. (National Organization for Human Services 2015) Ethical standard for Human Services were processed to ensure meticulous decision making. Similarly, biblical scriptures too, teach us of how to tend, aid, and regard each other. …show more content…

Proverb 26:20-22 “20 without wood a fire goes out; without a gossip a quarrel dies down. 21 As charcoal to embers and as wood to fire, so is a quarrelsome person for kindling strife. 22 The words of a gossip are like choice morsels; they go down to the inmost parts. Both standards states about an individual confidentiality and as a human service professional, you’re able to respect their privacy and not be a “quarrelsome person for kindling strife”. People have trusted you to help them while keeping it classified. It is the job of human service professional to adhere