Examples Of Ethos Pathos Logos

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Ethos, Pathos and Logos are thought to be key facts for the form of ethical persuasion summarized by the Greek philosopher Aristotle. Following these three points are believed by Aristotle to be an effective way to be a speaker or writer and still an important use of how information is conveyed currently. The video "We're Not Buying It" and article "Scientists Are Building a Case for How Food Ads Make Us Overeat" are different in the way information is conveyed to the person, but both use credibility(Ethos), appeal(pathos) and logic(logos) to get their point of major food corporations marketing across. Pulling these details out of the content is as easy as just understanding what the three points really mean and how it is used in the video/article that described marketing being a problem for unhealthy food consumption.
Aristotle over a thousand years ago described the best way to persuade anyone starts by being credible. Having facts with sources to back the information helps the speaker or writer to persuade the topic to a reader and listener. Simply just stating an opinion will not go far without facts to credit the idea. Having appeal will grab a person in the topic by making interesting material and connecting all the research together in a persuasive way. This is formed in to a logical format creating a compelling argument that …show more content…

Nationally it is known cigarettes are an unhealthy addiction giving it a unique word choice that compares that crisis from 1970s to what the big foods industry is currently doing with its marketing. This provided a logical argument following up with credibility of discussing two meta-analysis done about how ads play in food roles. More in the article are numerous sources that makes a collage giving it an overall neatness and

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