Examples Of Evil In Macbeth

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The Everlasting evil of Macbeth

‘’He who seeks evil will find it’’ At the beginning of the play, Shakespeare Macbeth and lady Macbeth is a good trusting couple however they become more ambitious and they became more ruthless and cruel. In Macbeth by Shakespeare, one big act of evil is when he murdered Macduff’s family. When he had done that, it demonstrated a tremendous amount of evil because the act of killing a innocent family is evil but especially someone that is your friend and has put their trust In you. Macbeth expressed his evilness when he said ”the castle of Macduff I will surprise,/seize upon fife, give to th’ edge o’ sword/his wife, his babes and all unfortunate souls/that trace him in his line.’’(4.1 171-174) he will try to …show more content…

So for Banquo to be gone and for him to be named kill al to himself, he would have to get the murderers to kill manquo.by Macbeth being a evil genus she persuades the murders that Banquo is also there enemy to so instead of him doing it the murders get rid him basically doing his dirty work for him’’both know Banquo was you enemy’’}3.1 129-130} him doing that shows the huge level of evilness on top of all the evil stuff he has already done. He is showing a sign of manipulation and is convincing and tricking the murders into thinking that Banquo is their enemy to witch is not true at all. To prove my point of saying Macbeth is evil even more Macbeth has already 2 of his friend and a hole family already and he is not done.in Macbeth evilness is starting to get to him and is also starting to feel guilty in other words Macbeth’s actions are mostly connected with some type of evilness and darkness has he further then says ‘I am not blooded/stepped in so far that, should I wade no more.’ {2.4 168-169} the evilness will get to him some had he had murder more then five people Duncan and had got people to kill Banquo and even such has a innocent family. He has gone to far will being evil just to prove that he is and will be forever king. He will never go back to the person he was before, the person that loved and cared for his wife so much and the person that loved his fellow friends. He had done so much evil and continues to be the evil devil he is. You wont see the old Macbeth ever

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