
Examples Of Evilness In Macbeth

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Evilness is like a disease that spreads through the mind and corrupting everything it touches. In the world evilness takes over some people and they can do some evilness acts like robbing a bank or unfortunately taking someone’s life. In Macbeth by William Shakespeare, Evilness impacts Macbeth by eating him up, making him lose his sanity and lastly, ultimately losing himself.
In Macbeth, at first he does not want people to know his true desires as shown in the play. His true desires to kill Duncan. The reasoning for that is because if he were to kill Duncan he would become the king of Scotland. He has a lot of ambition and evilness. “Let not light see my black and deep desires.”(1.4 58) He talks about his deep desires and how he wants to become king. For him to become king he would have to kill Duncan. Duncan is the king of Scotland. His "Desire" for more power. This line truly shows a bit of Macbeths Evil …show more content…

And at the time Macduff went to England. And in the result to that knowing that Macduff is going to England. He’s going to go and kill Macduff’s family. In Macbeth it says “The Castle of Macduff I will surprise,/ Seize upon fife, give to th' edge o' th' sword/ His wife, His babes and all unfortunate souls/ that trace him in his line.”(4.1 171-174) He will attempt to take the life of Macduff. He says he will surprise Macduff and have his sword to take the life of his wife, his children, and all the people that associates with him in his life. The evilness in this line is unimaginable. The act of especially taking the life of the children. Children that have nothing to do with Macbeth. But just because that they are the children to Macduff, he's going to kill them. To go this deep and have no second thoughts is very evil and Macbeth would do anything to make sure no one goes to destroy his goal. He wants to be successful become king and stay as

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