Examples Of Exploratory Behaviour

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Title Abstract 150 Introduction500 405 Personality is a range of correlated behaviours that are expressed in different contexts. Animals exhibit behavioural syndromes, which is a set of behaviours seen in multiple scenarios. (huntingford 1976 as read in Pelligrini et al., 2010)..Find this!. An example of a behavioural syndrome is the shy/bold continuum (i.e. proactive-reactive) (Wilson et al., 1994 as read in Pellegrini et al., 2010). Boldness has been studied in many species. In fathead minnows, bolder individuals approach danger by inspecting predators (Pelligrini et al., 2010). Some studies claim that animal personality traits might be affected by experience. For example in rainbow trout, bold fish that experience a negative experience may become less bold (Frost et al., 2006). …show more content…

Exploratory behaviour can be defined as “activity in an unfamiliar environment” (Sih et al., 2004) Such behaviour occurs either when entering a new environment or being introduced to a novel object. This behaviour stops once the animal becomes familiar with its environment ( Shillito, 1963). Exploratory behaviour has an effect on fitness. Male zebra finches that exhibit more exploratory behaviour, have more breeding attempts and nestlings. (McCowan et al., 2014). Slow exploring individuals are shy whereas fast exploring individuals are

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