
Examples Of Fate Does Not Control Our Choices

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Carson Welker
Mr. Lunn
CP English 11
1 March 2023
Fate Does Not Control Our Choices
Christianity, Buddhism, Islam, and many other religions all have their own views on the impact of fate on an individual's life. Christianity believes that God does not give anyone a predetermined fate, every action, and choice is their own to make and live out. Buddhism believes that although one's life is altered by their past lives karma, every person gets to live their life, make their own choices, and influence the forces that surround them. Islam believes that God has a predetermined path for everyone and that no one can escape their fate, however, an individual can still influence their life through their personal choices. Every religion and every person …show more content…

Other lords are noticing when one of them is going around killing anyone who gets in their way. In Act 4, Scene 3 of Shakespeare's Macbeth, Macduff expresses his suspicion of Macbeth and his desire to seek help from England to overthrow him by saying, "Some holy angel Fly to the court of England and unfold His message ere he come, that a swift blessing May soon return to this our suffering country Under a hand accursed!" Macduff is aware of Macbeth's treachery and the destruction that he has wrought upon Scotland. He sees Macbeth's rule as a curse upon the land and is willing to take action to put an end to it. His call for an angel to carry his message to England shows his desperation and urgency in seeking help to overthrow Macbeth. This quote demonstrates the growing opposition to Macbeth's rule among the Scottish lords. Macbeth is willing to do whatever it takes to maintain his power, even if it means killing innocent people, even going as far as to say "From this moment the very firstlings of my heart shall be the firstlings of my hand" (VI.I.146-148). One example of this is when he orders the murder of Macduff's family because he sees Macduff as a potential threat to his reign. Macbeth's decision to murder King Duncan and Banquo, and to order the death of Macduff's family, revealed his ruthless ambition and disregard for human

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