Pros And Cons Of Feminist Utpia

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feminist utpia For a perfect feminist utopia to exist there would have to be many changes to the current world we all live in at the moment.There are three theroies of equality which are important beacuuse they show how a women are treated and what could be done to be treated more equal. The theroies of eniqulity would include econmic iniqualty, house work and child care and, sexual vilence. In my opionion none of these theris have any cons attached to them. Women should be equals in every way that men are equal and there should not be anything wrong with helping socioty become a feminist utopia to help women. Many women in the working world are not paid in the same amount as their male counterpart. Many women who work are paid much …show more content…

If women do not stay home to clean and do chores around the house or take care of any childeren that there might be then the men or husbands would not be able to go to work. For men to go to work their must be someone home to watch over small children and to do house chores. Women are the backbone to the economy and are the people who allow the econmoy to move forward. Women Do child care and house work for free in a feminist utopia this should be more equal. In a feminist utopia thier should be more awarness to what women do and should be rewarded for thier hard work that goes unapreciated. Another part that could change to have a perfect feminist utopia would have to be the sexual vilonce. Sexual vilonce is the biggest issuse at the moment to have a perfect feminist utopia. Sexual vilonce toward women is a horible act that should be stopped. Women are equal to men in every way and should never be dehumanized in any manner and in any settign. Sexual violence toward women can happen anywhere in a work place by a boss or even in thier own home by thier husband. In a perfect feminist utopia women wold never be part of sexual violence. In a perfect feminist utopia a women would be be seen a and equal and not as an object and be targets of sexual