
Examples Of Figurative Language In The Diary Of Anne Frank

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Figurative language is essential to “The Diary of Anne Frank” because it makes the story sound more mature. For instance, in the story it talks about how Anne is debating whether to burn the Star of David or to keep it. Anne says,” [She starts to throw hers in, and cannot.] It’s funny, I can’t throw mine away. I don’t know why.”(Goodrich and Hackett 709). Moreover, Anne can’t burn the Star of David. It’s a religious symbol that the Nazi’s branded the Jews with. The star is important to Anne, yet the Nazi’s ruined. Another is between Peter and Anne. Peter doesn’t understand why she doesn’t burn the Star of David. Peter says,”You can’t throw…? Something they branded you with…? That they made you were so they could spit on you?”(Goodrich and
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