
Examples Of Foreshadowing In To Kill A Mockingbird

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H Donovan Place Ms. Belovsky Period 3 March 10, 2017 To Kill a Mockingbird Stand up for what is right, regardless of who is committing the wrong. To Kill a Mockingbird is the novel about young girl named Scout Finch, a little girl learning to see both the evil and angelic sides of our society. In Chapter fifteen, Mr. Heck Tate has a conversation with Atticus Finch about Tom Robinson and that he should drop the case. Atticus doesn't want to and he hears that Tom is being moved to the county jail the next night. The next night, Atticus goes to check on Tom and reads him a story, but Jem feels that something is going to go wrong. So Jem, Scout, and Dill all go after Atticus and when they get there, a mob is surrounding Atticus. After realizing …show more content…

In this chapter Mr. Heck Tate and others were outside Atticus’ house talking about the man Atticus was defending, Tom Robinson. The people outside of Atticus’ house are telling him to drop the case but Atticus thinks he can win. Atticus doesn't want to drop the case, so Heck and others leave. While Atticus and Mr Heck Tate were discussing Tom and the trial Atticus said "Link, that boy might go to the chair, but he's not going till the truth's told" (Lee 166). Atticus' voice was even. "And you know what the truth is” (166). This quote foreshadows that Tom does get charged for rape and gets sentenced to death but instead of being sent to the electric chair he gets shot seventeen times. Sadly, Tom died but Atticus did what he wanted and that was to get the truth out of Bob and Mayella Ewell, people started to realize the mistake they made by sending him to the chair. Later that night, Jem, Scout, and Dill go to find their father downtown after Jem gets a "feeling" something is wrong. They find Atticus sitting outside the jail, guarding Tom Robinson from an angry mob. It is Scout's words to Mr. Cunningham that make the men scatter. Scout reminds him that she is friends with his son, Walter. The “Feeling” Jem has in this moment foreshadows that something bad is going to happen and if it wasn't for the three kids Tom and Atticus would probably be …show more content…

Jem has an important role in this chapter because, when he realizes the true problems the Tom Robinson case has brought the Finch’s. He sneaks out of the house to follow Atticus into the center of Maycomb, to see his father being harassed by a group Mob members. When he refuses to leave, this saves his father and Tom Robinson from the wrath of the crowd. In the process of telling them to leave Jem responds to Atticus saying “ I ain’t goin” (173). For Scout, in this chapter her role manipulates many events bound to occur. Without her influence on the intoxicated Mob of Maycomb, the Mob would have gotten Tom Robinson and Tom would have been hung. When Scout exclaims to Mr. Cunningham that “Entailments are bad” (174). The Mob witnesses how naive and young Scout is and realizes how ridiculously they are all acting. The Mob disperses and Tom, Atticus, and the Kids are

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