
Examples Of Freedom From Tyranny

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One example of freedom being dependant upon something is freedom from tyranny is dependant upon citizens being active in government. Example of this freedom being expressed can be seen in the American revolution. In order for Americans to be free from a tyrannical like government that was expressed by the British government they must be active participants within their own government. Freedom from tyranny would mean that citizens are able to make their own choices without a government stepping to much into their lives. It would also mean that citizens would have some say in what happens in government, this could mean that citizens directly vote as in ancient Athens, or that they choose a representative to represent them as seen in Rome, or even as seen in America today. …show more content…

Freedom from tyranny definitely does exist because when citizens take an active role in government they are able to make decisions for themselves, and make, or help make, laws that protect them and represent their desires well. The dependency on citizens being active within government for this freedom is definitely more important than the freedom itself, for without it the freedom can simply not exist. If citizens do not actively take a role in government than tyranny will eventually take control once again. Throughout history this has been seen time, and time again where the freedom from tyranny has reverted back to tyranny. For example the Roman Republic slowly degenerated from a republic system to a system ruled by an all powerful emperor. While freedom from tyranny is a great example of this relationship, other equally great examples

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