Freedom Is Never More Than One Generation Away From Extinction

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“Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same.”. Ronald Reagan’s quote truly expresses what freedom is. For every new generation, we must continuously fight for our freedom and never let our guard down. The men and women who fight for our freedom fight for the people of today and if the people of today pass it on through generations, it must be protected.We must show the greatest appreciation for our freedom because we are lucky to have it. We are lucky to have brave men and women who are willing to risk their lives so that we will always be free. Without freedom, I might not have an education. Without freedom I could be forced into marriage with someone I truly don’t love. My siblings, friends, and I could all be forced to drop out of school to fight for a dictatorship, as some children in the Philippines, India, Central African Republic, Somalia, and Colombia are forced to do. …show more content…

Take a look at countries like the Philippines, Central African Republic, Somalia, and Colombia; These countries train children as young as 10 how to fight and sending them out to combat. In Pakistan where a fourteen year old girl was shot because she was speaking out to change in girls’ education. Without freedom of speech, how would we be able to express our own feelings? Without the freedom of religion, would we be able to practice our religion of choice and not have to worry about being killed because of it? Without the freedom of assembly, would be freely allowed to get together as a group and talk about things? No, but if we can’t risk our lives, freedom itself may be something we will have to learn to live