
Examples Of George's Love For Lennie

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Tyler Connelly English 11 Ms. Ulring 24 May 2023 George’s Love for Lennie Could you rely on your best friend in a life-or-death situation? Will they always be there for you? Lennie and George are best friends in the novel, Of Mice and Men. This 1937 novel written by John Steinbeck dives into the lives of the two best friends and the trouble they eventually run into. George and Lennie are bindlestiffs fighting to survive during the difficult times of the Great Depression. They run into several hardships, but they always lean back onto each other, especially at the end of the novel. The ending of the story signifies George’s strength in love for Lennie as a result of their past history, their pursuit of the dream, and the foreshadowing of the events that occur during the novel. …show more content…

The two have been best friends for a long time and have experienced a lot of ups and downs together. One example of their friendship occurs at the start of the novel when George and Lennie are eating beans. Lennie is asking for ketchup, but he then realizes they have no ketchup. He then admits to George, “‘I was only foolin’, George. I don’t want no ketchup. I wouldn’t eat no ketchup if it was right here beside me.” If it was here, you could have some.’” (Steinbeck 12). Lennie goes on to say how he would even give all of his ketchup to George even though he knows George does not like ketchup. This is just one example of their long friendship being displayed. Their history unveils their friendship and displays how they want the best for each other. George and Lennie truly love each other and that is represented through their pursuit of the

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