
Examples Of Human Nature In To Kill A Mockingbird

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I believe that the theme of To Kill a Mockingbird is Good, Evil, and Human Nature because of the book’s dramatization of Jem and Scout’s perspective. This shows readers how they are introduced to the truth of the world and how cruel it truly is. An event that introduces them to this revelation is the court trial with Tom Robinson and Mayella Ewell, where Robinson is blamed for a crime he did not commit. Human Nature, as shown in the book, is depicted as being Good and Bad. Atticus also teaches the children that bad people can have good in them, and that Human Nature is a complicated thing to determine and judge. This is one of the many themes of this book, but by far the largest. It is a life lesson learned and a coming-of age moment for Scout as she witnesses the …show more content…

Learning the Good and Evil in people is a skill that you should learn when the time is right, and I learned it quickly because of the way my father seemed to be a good person to me, but to my mother was a person I had never seen before. I now have learned that he is a bad person through and through, but I made this conclusion based off of the way he treated me and made me feel worthless. But I have also learned to move on, because he believes that he can change how I see him by buying me things, proving his intentions may occasionally be well-natured, but not well-executed or have heart in them. Scout, as well, learns that Mrs. Dubose only seemed like she was evil because she made her feel worthless, but truly was only a struggling addict who grew flowers and led a different life than was thought. Even though Scout never forgives Mrs. Dubose for being cruel, she still realizes that not everyone should be judged like a book by its cover. This is also noted when Scout sees how many people begin to despise her father after he takes defense for Robinson, and she realizes that all the people she once believed were nice were now

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