
Examples Of Impulsive In Romeo And Juliet

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Young Love and its Impulsive Effects Yann Martel, a Canadian author, once said, “Quickly you make rash decisions. You dismiss your last allies: hope and trust. There you've defeated yourself. Fear, which is but an impression, has triumphed over you”. This quote conveys the impulsive and rash decisions made in the play Romeo and Juliet, written by William Shakespeare. In the play, Romeo and Juliet, who are star-crossed lovers, fall in love. The problem is their families have been sworn enemies for years. Romeo and Juliet hastily get married after only knowing each other for a short period of time. This leads to many problems including fighting between the families, and in the end death of the two lovers. Romeo and Juliet’s decision to …show more content…

Previously in the story, the Prince exclaims that if there had been any more street fighting whoever was involved would be slain, however, Tybalt and Mercutio start a street fight where Tybalt ends up killing Mercutio which prompts Romeo to get angry. Romeo was so angry with Tybalt that he started to fight him and then ends up killing Tybalt. Romeo did not think about any of the consequences or punishment he might have for what he did. He let his temper completely take over and did whatever he wanted without thinking. Benvolia commands Romeo to run away from the scene after killing …show more content…

This creates complications for Romeo and Juliet’s relationship. Now Romeo and Juliet have to go to extraneous ways to not only see each other but cover up their marriage while Juliet feels trapped and is due to marry Paris.
Both Romeo and Juliet face their fate when Juliet decides to fake her death to get out of marrying Paris. Friar Lawrence comes up with this incautious plan for Juliet to drink this potion that Friar claims will not kill her but will put her to sleep and make her seem as if she is dead. Juliet agrees to this plan with no hesitation, however, the plan starts to go wrong when Capulet wants Juliet to be married earlier than what was planned. Juliet must drink the potion much sooner than Romeo and the Friar are aware so she will be “dead” by her wedding. Juliet drinks the potion unknowing of what it will do to her: “Romeo, Romeo, Rome! Here’s drink. I drink to thee” (4.3.59-60). Romeo and Friar are completely unaware that Juliet has drunk the potion so their plan is already getting soiled. The day Juliet’s family finds her dead Romeo’s servant Balthasar visits Romeo in Mantua and tells him that Juliet is dead. Romeo believes that she has actually passed due to the fact that he did not know that Juliet had to drink the potion earlier than planned. Romeo goes and buys poison from an apothecary and goes to the Capulet tomb

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