Examples Of Impulsiveness In Macbeth

677 Words3 Pages

Brandon Saidii
Mr Price
English 10
Traits are deadly?

The combination of Macbeth's character traits ultimately led to his downfall. Macbeth's wife Lady Macbeth influenced Macbeth to make many poor decisions like killing King Duncan. Macbeth's loyalty was unmatched when he was under King Duncan. But after Duncan's death, he immediately lost his loyalty. He killed the king he served under. Later on, Macbeth's decision making got worse and ultimately his impulsiveness was a huge downfall to him as he made such horrible decisions like wanting to kill Banquo. He also attempted to fight Malcolm which ultimately led to his death. Macbeth, an antagonist in the novel “Macbeth”, portrays the character traits loyalty, ambition, impulsiveness and ultimately his impulsiveness is the most important trait because many times throughout Macbeth, his actions occur without any thought, but instead with rapidity. …show more content…

Duncan is speaking with Macbeth and letting him know how thankful he is for Macbeth and Duncan doesn't know how to repay him and Macbeth responds with “The service and the loyalty I owe in doing it pays itself. Your highness’ part is to receive our duties and our duties are to your throne (Macbeth 1.4.27)”. Macbeth is contemplating Duncan's assassination and Macbeth proceeds to say “First I am his kinsman and his subject, strong both against the deed (Macbeth 1.7.39)”; Macbeth was loyal to King Duncan for years. King Duncan didn't know how to repay Macbeth for his loyalty. Macbeth responds to King Duncan with the phrase “loyalty I owe in doing it pays itself”, and pretty much he means that he obligation is to be loyal towards the king and he doesn't need to be paid. When Macbeth was contemplating whether or not to kill King Duncan, kinsman. Ultimately, if Macbeth never got influenced by others decisions, he would have continued to be loyal towards King

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