Examples Of Instinctive Judgment

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As a human being, we all have that one out of many similarities which is the ability to have an instinctive judgment. The title itself is stating that our ways of knowing are some kind of tool to look at our instinctive judgments, or if I may rephrase it into; “Our instinctive judgments are checked by our ways of knowing.” Now, how can our ways of knowing possibly be the check to our instinctive judgments?

Based on the dictionary the word “instinctive” means, not thought about, planned or learned and done without conscious thought. To me personally the word “instinctive” means spontaneously, it can mean a very fast response of something, judging something without thinking about it first and just shout out the first thing that comes to our mind, by receiving the stimulus that our senses receive. Bring to mind that this ability to judge things with an unconscious thought relies pretty much on our senses, this has made me thinking and come up with a knowledge question,

“To what extent do we need to rely very much on our senses to check our self after creating an instinctive judgment?” …show more content…

In which I am talking about the science of the human body, which is human sciences. To me, senses of perception and emotion are one of the easiest ways of knowing and that could be applied to the discussion of the statement; “Ways of knowing are a check on our instinctive