Life Of Tormes His Fortunes And Misfortunes Analysis

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Truly, the eyes, or perhaps, the lack thereof, are the doors which open to reveal one’s inner character. The Life of Lazarillo of Tormes His Fortunes and Misfortunes as Told by Himself subtly hints towards the importance of the “valuable fifth sense”: sight (20). The author tends to mention the eyes of people with whom Lazarillo interacts, which perhaps signify a possible connection between their eyes and their characters. Early on, the author comments “how many people there must be in the world who run away from others when they don’t see themselves,” because perhaps, there are simply disadvantages which blind men can never overcome (11). Stepping into the shoes of a blind man is perhaps difficult to enact for someone who can see, however, …show more content…

Because he can see, the priest is able to want and obtain what he sees, and what he sees is money and food. Just as he is more complete in his senses, he is also stingier towards Lazarillo. For Lazarillo, the biggest difference between his 2 masters is that he “couldn’t blind [the priest] the way [he] did the other” (20). Perhaps the author acknowledges that the more senses one is gifted with, meaning the more able one is to interact with the world, the greedier one grows for the riches of the world. One should wonder then, whether having sight is a gift or a curse, for it not only allows, but also tempts one to misuse its power to commit sinful acts. Perhaps it is then better to never possess so many senses so as to limit the ways in which one can do wrong. Yes, one must see oneself before one starts to build opinions of others, but if nobody can see, there will not be a difference that anyone is aware of. The eyes are doors that open one’s inner being, but perhaps they are also doors which are meant to be kept