Examples Of Institutional Racism

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Institutional Racism
Institutional racism is if gone unchecked is dangerous. Institutional racism is the process by which racial oppression is imposed on subordinate racial groups, by dominant racial groups through institutional channels (Henry, 2010). This can be seen though the formal curriculum which is the process of instructions that is shaped by the selection of educational materials such as books and teaching aids (Henry, 2010); and also through the hidden curriculum which are the educator’s personal values, unquestioned and expectations and their physical and social environments (Henry, 2010). Formal curriculum often contain literature that does not reflect the cultural context of the students and often lead to further marginalization. …show more content…

Critical race theory helps one to understand the under layers of racism hidden through dominant discourses, that often downplay the experiences of Black and racialized students in the education system (Encyclopedia.com, n.d.). As peoples, Sociologist, and Social Workers it is our duty to bring to light the true Experiences of Black and realized children in our education system. It is our mutual duty to bring about research that will not only critically analyze these issues, but will begin a chain of discussion to end Racism in our Education …show more content…

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