Examples Of Jem Selfish In To Kill A Mockingbird

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Jem’s character development essay The book To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee, Jem was really selfish. People like Jem should not be selfish because it can really hurt someone feelings. If you’re selfish that just show that u just think about yourself. If u know you are selfish just think about the people that you are hurting like your brother, sister, friend, mother, and father. To Kill A Mockingbird Jem learns to be less selfish to his friends. Throughout the novel, Jem changes from selfish to less selfish due to learning just don’t always think about yourself and if you truly love someone don’t be selfish thing about other.
In the beginning of the novel To Kill a Mockingbird Jem is selfish. In the book he tell scout to leave him alone at school. Jem says “during school hours I (scout) was not to bother him and not to approach him” (p.11). Scout wasn’t understanding why she can’t play with Jem or talk to him at school and they always play together. I feel as that was just rude to tell …show more content…

I say disrespectful because the next door neighbor is disrespectful to Jem and Scout. “If I said as sunnily as I could say he Mrs. Dubose I receive for an answer don’t you say hey to me you ugly girl”. I know that if that was me I will go home and tell someone because I know for myself I didn’t do anything wrong. Mrs. Dubose should not talk to anyone like that if they just trying to say hey or good Moring but if you don’t like your next door neighbor just don’t talk to them. Jem could of took that to heart and go and kill her self because someone just called them ugly. Jem is more understanding that what he said to scout was wrong and disrespectful by telling scout to not talk to him at school. As Jem think how Mrs. Dubose talk to him and what he said to scout was wrong and know he more understanding that he was wrong and bring disrespectful is not the right thing to do to anyone that you