Examples Of Justice In The Middle Ages

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Essay Could you get justice in the Middle ages? The list of crimes in the middle ages were taking wood from the edge or fence round the pasture field, letting animals wander. Digging holes in the road for clay ,taking wild honey from trees in woods , letting weeds grow, taking wood from edges of fire, not marrying the person the king told to and the last was that leaving the village without kings permission .The criminals were caught by that 12 years male were in group of 10 . Their senior man was called tything man . Twice year the senior reported to sheriff wheather the group has done anything wrong. In medieval ages people know that who is guilty and innocent by that a person held red hot water iron bar and then they put the bandage in their hand and left the bandage for three days . If the wound get better so you are innocent if not then you are guilty. People knewed was that whoever win the war is innocent and whoever loses was dead end of the fight. The different punishments used that time were that they cut in four pieces , being drowned in water and beheaded. The worst punishment were burning ,muliation,the stock and hung drawn quarted . I wouldn’t do the method of Middle Ages because it tells who is innocent and guilty …show more content…

In some ways these methods were unfair and they are no longer used. People were unfair because in middle ages they had many things to do and in that if they were innocent so they have been killed. However we shouldn’t be too harsh on people in the middle ages, because they didn’t have the sort of science and technology that we have today to help them for example In middle ages they didn’t had animals which helps to catch criminals today by dogs. In other ways though these methods were unfair and are still used today for example people of now are fair because now we have science and technology and by it we can easily know who is guilty or